Tuesday, August 17, 2010

And what the hell is that smell?!

There's one thing they forget to tell you about monsoon season. It smells like a toilet.

Really. It would be just as efficient to stick your head in a toilet and take a big whiff as it would be to walk outside for a little "fresh air."

It's pretty nasty.

I'm not sure why I'm attracted to cities that smell (to which I direct your attention to my Italy blog), but it seems to be a growing trend.

I'm just hoping that the sky of toilet water doesn't decide to rain on us tomorrow...


This is gonna be a short post. One, I'm honestly too exhausted to write a lot and, two, I don't want to keep boring you to death. Is anybody actually reading this?

Anyways, second day of work. Had to walk about 2 miles to get to the bus stop at 7 a.m. this morning. Ain't life a kick in the head?

Work was craziness. There's three case manager total, myself included. Stephanie, my boss, is also a case manager, but is also taking classes to get her degree. So she has some weird work hours. For example, she didn't come in today until 1 p.m. This left poor Mike (the third case manager) left with all the clients, phone calls, walk-ins, and the newbie who didn't know anything.

I felt so useless watching Mike try to carry out a screening while he sat there with his phone ringing back to back. And I just stood there. Literally. I had no clue what to do. I was supposed to be observing, but I felt like I should be doing something to help instead. I felt useless, answering a phone call whenever I was ever lucky enough (and the clients were unlucky enough) to have dialed my extension instead of Mike's.

That is until Mike walked into my office (my office?! I still can't get used to saying that) and told me that I would be running the next screening.

Hold the phone. I'd observed maybe three of them yesterday, but I was actually going to be running my own today? Right this second? My second day of work?

I'm not ready for this.

Mike spent the next 30 minutes correcting me in front of the client, patiently. "What she meant to say was... fill in the blank." The poor client. She must have heard Mike say that about 5 times.

Good news: the second screening went much more smoothly. And neither Mike or Stephanie felt the need to observe me. So I must not have tanked the first one as badly as I initially thought.

Other than that, can say that I have anything to report. A mother came in with 11 children today, and I'm not even mad... I'm just impressed.

... Did I mention it smells like toilet?


  1. I'm reading these! And they're awesome. Scratch that, you're awesome.

  2. BTW this is woody on my internship gmail.. woopsies.

  3. I am reading,too! Keep the blogs coming. I love hearing what is going on in your life!
