While I could try to describe it, it's probably just better if I let the pictures speak for themselves. Don't worry, nobody was hurt and (knock on wood), neither was the structural integrity of Casa Truth. But the storms did cause some major power outages, accidents, and transportation problems. The storms, conveniently, hit the Phoenix area about 5 p.m., just as everybody was getting off from work and making their way home. Casa Bart's Ga-Ga-Gosney got caught riding her bike in the middle of the hail and Katie got stuck waiting for a bus for 2 hours in the rain. The good news is that me and Becky did NOT get caught up for 2 hours after work. Only 30 minutes after missing the bus without a jacket or umbrella, which was still more than enough for me. Anyways, here's the documentation. (** Notice: I stole most of these photos from housemates. I take no credit for them... except for the prettiest ones.)
1. The Pregame Before The Storm: The previous day's rainstorm before THE Rainstorm.
The light rail stop (My photo)
The rainbow that was way too damn happy
and should have been a clue that the next day was gonna suck (My photo)
2. What our house normally looks like (okay... maybe not what it should look like, but BACK OFF!)
The back porch (Photo by Krystle)
3. The aftermath
The street and what used to be our front yard (Photo by Greg)
Also the reason why Greg could not get his car down the driveway
The sludge of our backyard (Photo by Greg)
Our addition of an outdoor pool (Photo by Greg)
Arizona's snow at work (My photo)
The hail broke several lights at the shelter
So there it is. Can't say that I have anything else that is worthy of reporting -- unless you consider a father who wants to pay for his firearms instead of paying for an apartment for his daughters as "worthy of reporting." Or a husband who is leaving his pregnant wife and two kids "worthy of reporting." I'd have to say that I don't. Call me crazy.
Oh, and I've gotten 3 pretty kickass care packages. Thanks Mom, Troy and Edie!